
Explore My News,
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This is a blog dedicated to my friends Josh and Emily. So to start off, I suppose I should explain who they are. 


Back in 2015, I traveled to India for the first time and Josh was my partner in crime (anyone catch that rhyme? #poetry). We were both burdened for missions in India and though we didn’t know each other super well before the trip, we became life-long friends because of the trip. We made so many memories during our time in Kerala, but a huge theme of that trip was conversation. We ended up talking so much! We talked about theology, life, fears, dreams, and girls. I remember seeing Josh’s genuine heart to pursue the Father, share the gospel, and love the woman he would one day get to marry. 

After India, we became roommates in Pensacola, Florida where our friendship continued to grow. In Florida the Lord allowed me to walk with Josh through a hard time in his life. Though it was difficult to see my friend experience the storm that he did, it was incredible watching God mold his life through the trial. Josh became a man of focus, dependence upon the Lord, humility, and vulnerability. Josh has always been extremely genuine, raw, and real which is why it was crazy to see him walk even deeper into openness. His willingness to share his struggles helped me big time! I’m not typically one to open up about certain things; however, with Josh leading the way in those vulnerable conversations I opened up as well and experienced the freedom that follows confession. Josh has impacted me in many ways and though he’s younger than me, I look up to him in many areas. The dude has never left my corner, he’s been patient, he has freely shared so much of his life with me, he has been honest, he’s spent many hours on the phone keeping our friendship current, he brings the fun with him, and he’s cheered me on in the most encouraging ways. 

Oh, and he used to be undefeated at FIFA in Pensacola… until I defeated him!



One of Josh’s friends (Jason) actually did the World Race back in 2016-2017 and told Josh about this girl named Emily who was on his squad – forgive me Josh and Em if I butcher the details but, you know, I’ll do my best. Josh was open to the idea of meeting Emily and began to pray. Sure enough, a little while after Jason and Emily completed the race an opportunity arose for the three of them to meet up in Josh’s hometown. This began Josh and Emily’s relationship and it’s been so cool to see how this woman has captured the heart of my friend. 

Emily is a woman of character. She loves Jesus and loves people. She’s the type of person who will sacrifice her own wants/needs for those of other people. A smile can be seen on her face at all times because she is one of those people who embody joy in such a pure and delightful way. When I finally got to meet her I was deeply impacted for two reasons. First, it was so clear that she was head over heels for Josh which made me so happy for that son of a gun. Josh is a great dude and seeing him go from experiencing heartache to now being loved so well by someone was just… ah… all the feels. Second, Emily was so excited to get to know me. She really wanted to know the friends of her boyfriend and because of that she asked intentional questions, listened super well, and made me feel valued (another awesome effect she has on people).  It was great getting acquainted with Emily and I immediately gave Josh two thumbs up. 


Ok, so I told you about how Josh and Emily impacted me as individuals, but I also owe a lot to them as a couple. See, they were some of the first people I told about the fact that I was considering the World Race. At the time I was really hesitant to tell anyone that I was considering traveling the world as a missionary for a year. If you know me then you know I need to verbally process my thoughts to someone, and at the exact right time, God used Josh and Em to speak into my life. 

The coolest part is they were so excited for me once I told them. They didn’t walk me through a ton of logistical things or hit me with the “adult responsibility” questions. They were just excited for me and affirmed me in my though process as well as in my walk with the Lord. The way I see it, they gave me permission to seriously consider the World Race. It was crazy telling them. I remember being nervous and wondering whether I should tell them or not, but they proved to be a safe place and a couple that gets excited for and empowers what they see God doing in the lives of others. Who knows, without Josh and Em, I may not have had the courage to have begun this journey that has changed my life forever. 

BUT, this blog isn’t about me. It’s about Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hall. That’s right! THEY GOT MARRIED! 

Last week Josh and Emily said, “I do.” and became one. WOOHOO! So proud of and happy for them. It’s the best thing being able to say Yes and Amen to the union of two incredible people. I know they have so many dreams together and honestly, I have so many dreams for them too! I know 100% that God is going to use their marriage to inspire, encourage, and love the humans that are lucky enough to cross their path. Watch out world, and make way for Mr. & Mrs. Hall! 

Cheers my friends and Congratulations! 

– Love Connor 

6 responses to “The Couple Who Encouraged Me To Say Yes (Josh & Emily)”

  1. What a beautiful couple and testimony they live! You are so blessed Connor with the people God surrounds you with! I’m so thankful for that! Love and prayers, Momma Starbuck

  2. This is so sweet! I was Emily’s squad mentor in 2016, and it’s so cool what a small world/how interconnected the Kingdom is. Their wedding last week was beautiful!

  3. AWW what a sweet tribute to a sweet couple. Love the impact they have had on your life!

  4. Beautiful Story, Friends, Pictures and Beautiful Tribute to the Halls Connor! We feel your Joy and Love for your friends. Hugs~

  5. Connor, reading this again now and am so encouraged by you! This post was so thoughtful & moving. SO glad we got to see you during your brief stint in the US. You radiated security and FREEDOM. So honored to know you and be apart of your journey!!! Can’t wait to continue following all God does this year and beyond! The Halls, BJ’s pizza, and beer will always be waiting for you πŸ™‚