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What comes to mind when you think of bravery? 

For me, it’s scenes from various movies. The army who charges into battle, the guy who finally asks the girl to the dance, the superhero who decides to use his or her powers for the good of others, and obviously a bunch more. 

But what if the question was asked this way… What comes to mind when you think of moments YOU have been brave? 

What did you come up with? Did any memories come to mind? I think a major downside to entertainment is we get caught up living vicariously through the stories of others while forgetting to live out our own. 

A few weeks ago my sister and I were catching up over the phone. We discussed recent experiences, lessons we’re learning, and things we are still trying to figure out.

* She just turned 25 by the way so shout out to Avery! Happy Birthday sis!!! *

Avery reminded me of a night, years ago, when we went late-night cliff jumping in the backwoods of North Carolina with two friends and a total stranger (our cliff jumping expert and impromptu guide for the night). It may not have been the safest of choices, but it did turn into an incredible memory. 

The rest of us had already taken the plunge and now it was Avery’s turn. When she approached the edge and saw the 30-foot drop, she instantly became acquainted with the part inside you that wants to avoid danger at all cost. If you’ve ever been cliff jumping you know what I’m talking about. Unless of course you’re one of those wild people who feed off the rush of these exact moments. 

As my sister stared at the gap between her feet and the dark water, the lady who was acting as our local, backwoods guide kindly asked, 

“Avery, can you be brave?” 


Until a few weeks ago, I had never heard this part of the story but it has since captured me. So much so, I have taken the question and made it personal, “Connor, can you be brave?” 

I so want my answer to be Yes! YES I CAN BE BRAVE! But internally I’m afraid. I’m afraid I won’t have what it takes to jump. Or worse, I’m afraid I would just stand rooted to the ground, paralyzed by indecision while others around me choose to take the risk. 

I think deep down everyone craves a moment, or moments where we get to prove to ourselves we can indeed be brave. Unfortunately, in our world of comfort, those moments are fewer and further between. We become disconnected from life’s exhilaration and our own purpose / identity because we simply don’t have the opportunities to see what we’re made of. 

Step Up To The Cliff.

If opportunities to be brave are no longer coming to us naturally, then we must take ownership. It’s time to push, get creative, and surround ourselves with people who are going to call new things out of our character and heart. Break your routine. Say yes to moments that take you outside your comfort zone until you find yourself standing on the edge of something that both scares and excites you. Something that gives you the chance to be brave. 

So what is your cliff? What is it that would make you so proud of yourself if you had the courage to jump? 

* read the last line again and actually think about it *


Since we started this blog talking about movies, we might as well end with one of my favorite quotes. It comes from Braveheart (classic) where young William Wallace has an encounter with his father in a dream. In the scene, Wallace’s father turns to his young son, looks him in the eye, and delivers a line that will stick with me forever.

“Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.”

Our moments of following our heart and being brave might not look like William Wallace’s. In fact, it for sure won’t! If you haven’t seen the movie I won’t spoil it, but let’s just praise God we don’t have to walk into a battle where someone might literally chop off our arm with a 13th century battle axe. 

No, our moments and opportunities will look different. They do however exist. The question is, will we have the courage to track them down? Will we give ourselves opportunities to follow the thing God instilled deep inside of us even if it leads us to a random, scary cliff in North Carolina?

I watched from the water all those years ago when my sister chose to jump. I remember being so excited for and proud of her. She now has a story to tell and a means of inspiring others. An unusual yes, a willingness to follow her sense of adventure, a kind stranger, and an inspiring question helped her discover something so incredibly valuable. 

Now it’s your turn. Can you be brave?

7 responses to “Can You Be Brave?”

  1. Son- thank you for inspiring me to walk towards some ‘cliffs’ and then…how to leap! “Love you” can’t fully capture in words how much I adore you. Talk soon!

  2. Yes! Courage is not the absence of fear; it is being able to move forward in even in the midst of fear.

  3. Thanks for this. It reminded me of my own God’s revelation of bravery. Here…kindly read 🙂

    The True Brave

    Shortly before dawn, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified and cried out, “It’s a ghost!” And they screamed in terror. “Have courage!” Jesus immediately told them. “It’s me. Stop being afraid!”

    Peter answered him, “Lord, if it’s you, order me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “Come!” So Peter got down out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came to Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he was frightened. As he began to sink, he shouted, “Lord, save me!” At once Jesus reached out his hand, caught him, and asked him, “You who have so little faith, why did you doubt?”

    — MATTHEW 14:25-31
    What do we know about this story? Oh yes, it’s about Peter being a coward. He lost his sight of Jesus and sank down the water. He doubted; got distracted, slipped and then he sank down. But have we ever realized that among all the fearful disciples, Peter was the one who actually took a risk and flexed his bravery? He didn’t stand there scared, crying. He asked if the One in front of them was truly Jesus. And there, he stepped out of the boat and tried to get to Jesus. And he did!

    Only for a little bit. Because he didn’t expect this. He was brave enough to start, but everything seemed impossible all of a sudden. He realized he couldn’t be doing such thing, how did he manage to walk on the water? He’s not Jesus! And in a blink of an eye, he’s sinking in the sea of doubts.

    Did you ever do the same? You took a risk because you have God and you know that He’ll never let you down. Jesus lives in you so there’s no need to worry about anything. But in the middle of your journey, you realized that you’re going too far and at the same time, you wondered if you’d still make it. “You’re not that strong to carry on,” you thought. And the moment you looked away from Jesus, you started to sink.

    My friend, He is the author and finisher of our faith and that Jesus, who began a good work, in you will bring it to completion in His own time ..

    ? HEBREWS 12:2 & PHILIPPIANS 1:6

    It is no longer about you. It is about Him. If you took courage because of Jesus, carry on through Jesus. You can never make it on your own. Let Him do it. And when everything is done, He gets all the glory. Because He deserves it all.

    [looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work].

    ? HEBREWS 12:2

  4. We are in a time where the church is being completely dismantled so that King Jesus can transform it. With our bravery we will miss it! I do not want to be like Sampson who had no idea the Spirit of the Lord had left him. It time to be brave. The well known path will lead to a lifeless church!!

  5. Truly inspiring. Good questions I’ll be asking myself over the next weeks, months and year. Thanks for the post!

  6. What an incredible call to step up and be brave, fully knowing that the Creator of the universe is on the other side waiting for us. I love this.