
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The third, and final installment of The Shift. 

Mountains hold significance. I don’t know if this rings true for you, but it does for me. I can only imagine the wisdom and utter enlightenment awaiting me on top of mountains such as Everest. Alas, I will never reach that summit. Instead, I settle for a local mountain here in Georgia named Yonah. Standing 26,000ft shorter than Everest it’s a much more inviting option! 

When I lost my job and needed clarity, I hiked Yonah. 

It’s a nice hike. The trail to the top gets your blood pumping and heart racing. By the time you make it to the end you feel great, got your steps in, and can enjoy the awesome view.

As I observed the distant mountains and rolling hills a few thoughts ran through my mind, “Wow, I’m tired. Gosh, how am I sweating this much and how is that guy not sweating at all? I could look at this view forever!” And then it was like another voice spoke. A voice as if from my soul. It said…


Those of you who have followed my journey know a major hobby of mine in the past has been making videos and posting pictures. I enjoy storytelling and capturing beauty, but in my mind, it has always been secondary to missions. I saw myself as a missionary first, and a storyteller second.

However, as I stood on top of Yonah, it was like I could could hear the bass note shifting. Best I can tell, I think God is bringing me out of a season of missions and is allowing me time to hone new skills as a storyteller. Not as though I have to choose one over the other, but perhaps focusing one on is the best way to serve the other. 

Story serves the mission. 

Ever since I began writing blogs for this platform I’ve talked about how missions has kinda been my thing. Almost every life decision has been run through the formula a + b = c and c = missions (I don’t even know if that makes sense… math for instance, was never my thing lol). 

For the underlying ‘calling’ of my life to shift feels… well… it’s big. 

But it feels more like a beginning than an ending. It’s humbling and vulnerable to sit here and acknowledge this “3-part-series shift” in my life. Yet, I am also full of optimism. It’s taken me a long time to figure out what I’m good at, and what I would like to give my best effort to every day. Overall, I feel extremely blessed to have a chance to build a life around something I enjoy while still serving God and others. 

It has been so much fun casting a wide net in my twenties, but now I believe the Lord is leading me to zero-in on what He spoke to my soul that day on the mountain.

What’s He leading you to do? What’s He saying to your heart? Are you listening?

Maybe 2022 can be a year where we regularly return to those quiet mountain tops because we desire to move in the same direction as our Creator. 

15 responses to “The Shift pt.3”

  1. Jordan! Hey! Dang, thanks so much for these words and this reminder. Cheers to the ever unfolding mysteries of God! Love that!

  2. Mal!! Hey! Well freaking said. Here’s to the icing, or better yet, here’s to the cake haha. Love and miss ya!

  3. Cheers to new chapters, new challenges, & a new understanding that you were born to be loved

  4. connor gaul, i think you are an incredible man of God! i believe in you! & i’m so proud to know you! cheering you on across the miles and praying intentionally over you this month! praying for peace to abound in your heart and for new depths of connection with the Father! i’m really excited for you! miss you!

  5. Connor! I remember seeing when you decided to step off of social (twice), I remember your first real blog writing you sent my way, I remember our conversations (how the Holy Spirit wasn’t super real to you yet) and here you are!!! All the shifts, all the spaces God has been made so real in your walk… it has unfolded for moments like this. You’ve always walked in vulnerability and humility and thanks for doing that again. God will never stop unfolding mysteries to people like you. Love this!

  6. You have an amazing story, and have a wonderful knack for storytelling!
    Choosing obedience, over desire or preference, is wisdom. Blessings as you begin this new season!

  7. So so excited to see where this all goes. The pressure’s off. Proud of you, Connor!

  8. Really excited about this new season for you! Something you said once that I still think about is that we are first sons and daughters and the rest is icing on the cake, so praise God you get to pursue old passions in new ways! Thank you for your obedience and for sharing this journey, praying for you.