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Here’s the final video in my 11n11 World Race vlog series. 


At month 4 debrief we voted on finishing our World Race journey in Spain instead of in Albania. Originally, I voted for Albania, but I will be forever grateful that I got the opportunity to walk the Camino de Santiago. If it wasn’t for our squad mentor, Ashley Francis, and everyone who voted I probably would have never done it. I would have missed out on one of the most special experiences of my life. 


I’m glad the rest of the squad voted yes. 


So here it is, the final 1nn11 World Race vlog… the Camino de Santiago! 

One response to “The Camino de Santiago (Video)”

  1. Dude what an emotional video. Our squad also walked the Camino for 10 days and we all did different routes. My team did the Portuguese Way from Porto, Portugal to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. I got shin splints lol but there are no words to express what you feel when you arrive to Santiago and you stand in front of that church! WELL DONE! Spain in AMAZING!